Wet brain syndrome is brain damage that occurs from excessive alcohol consumption. Over time, individuals who have consumed large amounts of alcohol may suffer from vitamin B1 (thiamine) deficiency, which can cause neurological issues. Since the body does not produce vitamin B1, we must acquire it through the foods we eat in order to stay in good health.
Even if a person is eating foods that supply this essential vitamin, excessive drinking can cause absorption issues. Lack of proper absorption depletes the body of the essential vitamin.
Vitamin B1 is stored in the liver, and because of this, it’s easy for the enzymes that transform the vitamin into active compounds to stop functioning from excessive alcohol consumption.
When these changes occur, the mind and body experience adverse effects, like wet brain, also known as Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome. Every body part requires thiamine to function correctly, as it is involved in converting sugar into energy.
Without it, physical and neurological problems can quickly occur. Continue reading for more on how a wet brain can impact your life.
Proper brain functioning is impaired by wet brain syndrome

When the brain does not have enough thiamine, lesions form, impairing memory. Mental and emotional issues can also arise. Increased brain damage can lead to confusion, which can cause other emotional issues, including irritability, agitation, lack of interest in work, and apathy.
Other emotional issues are also common, and mental concerns like hallucinations, amnesia, and others can occur.
Wet brain is understood in two critical stages that make up Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome. The first stage is called Wernicke’s Encephalopathy. In this stage, symptoms emerge from brain lesions that form in the brain due to a lack of adequate thiamine supply.
Brain lesions can cause a host of psychological symptoms including but not limited to:
- Anxiety
- Schizophrenia
- Eating disorders
- Cognitive dysfunction
- Depression
- Behavior changes are also common.
Physical challenges with basic movement and coordination arise
As brain damage develops, various coordination problems may arise with basic movements. These physical issues may make it difficult to move properly and maintain balance. Muscles weaken, worsening these physical effects.
Hearing issues may also develop from balance issues, as the inner part of the ear plays a critical role in balance and coordination.
Visual disturbances and double vision may occur

Visual impairments are also common in the initial stage as brain damage continues. These impairments may include odd eye movements, such as consistent up and down or lateral movements that are dissimilar to healthy eye movements. People may also experience double vision or drooping eyelids.
The second stage of the wet brain is referred to as Korsakoff’s psychosis. It is important to note that treatment sought before this stage significantly increases recovery outcomes for patients with wet brain syndrome.
Brain damage continues if the first stage goes untreated. Some signs of damage at this second stage include:
- time disorientation
- mild euphoria
- People may respond flatly or express frightening outbursts.
- confabulation (creating false memories without the intention of deceit)
- Additional continuation of memory loss, learning issues, and confabulation arise and are referred to as the “triad” of the second stage of Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome.
Quality of life is significantly disturbed
Wet brain syndrome can result in permanent damage to the brain, cause people to lose important memories, and impair significant memory functioning for the future. The earlier treatment is sought, the better the outcomes for reversing the effects of wet brain syndrome.
With serious mental and physical decline, it’s evident that quality of life is seriously impacted by wet brain syndrome.
Cognition slows, impairing one’s ability to experience life with clarity and clear thinking
As wet brain syndrome develops, the ability to keep a job, learn information and process events is seriously hindered. With slowed cognitive skills, one’s ability to get the most out of life and experience the world and social relationships is impaired.
Clear thinking and thought processing are disturbed, reducing the quality of life on a psychological and social level.
The body wears down, muscles weaken, and physical activity capabilities decrease

Likewise, the body’s inability to absorb thiamine and additional nutrients that support overall health may take a toll on the mind and body. These hindrances can lead to worsening effects on life quality as well.
Activities that were once enjoyed may not be practical after wet brain syndrome has taken a toll on the physical body. Without the ability to move as freely as before, quality of life is significantly decreased.
It may lower one’s life expectancy
The life expectancy of an individual with untreated wet brain syndrome is low. Wet brain syndrome (a form of alcohol-related dementia) can inhibit the survival rate of men and women diagnosed with alcoholism and resulting brain damage.
Those diagnosed with alcohol-related dementia (a form of wet brain syndrome) were estimated at the five-year survival mark for 53.4% of men and 63.4% of women in an epidemiological study. A 10-year survival estimation was attributed to around 29% of men and 38.3% of women.
Digestive issues and nutritional deficits can lead to disease and inconvenience
Without an adequate supply of vitamin B1 and the proper absorption of nutrients as a whole, the body will have a hard time digesting food, retaining nutrients, and eliminating waste.
These issues can wreak havoc on the body, negatively affecting gut health and causing diseases like SIBO (small intestinal-bacterial overgrowth), candida, and irritable bowel syndrome. A host of symptoms can emerge from these diseases, causing pain and inconvenience for those with such conditions.
Take your health seriously

Wet brain syndrome can negatively impact your life in many ways. Psychological and physical issues arise from an inadequate amount of thiamine. Without the ability to convert sugar into energy or provide your body with the nutrients it needs to function correctly, numerous side effects can interfere with your quality of life.
Take your health seriously and enroll in an alcohol detox program to prevent the onset of wet brain or, if it has already reset itself, to treat it effectively.