Growing plants and making sure they give us the best possible produce has been one of the integral parts of human tradition and culture for thousands of years. Living off the land means utilizing knowledge of growing, cultivating, caring for, watering, and then picking what has been sowed the prior season. Making sure you do everything right, and with a little bit of luck and the right weather conditions, almost guarantees a good crop. Of course, there are challenges and difficulties along the way but when are there not?
Now, it is very important to note that it greatly matters what kind of a plant you plan to grow and make use of, as well as where. Also, it is crucial what you plan to do with it once you have enough of it for your needs. One of the most (in)famous and therefore exciting plants to grow has always been cannabis. Due to its obvious ties with various legality issues over the many decades it has been in the spotlight, there is still some stigma surrounding this plant. Obviously not all of it is used for the psychoactive properties some of the strains have as it is also a great ingredient in medicine.
Growing it takes a lot of hard work and preparation, as well as a high degree of care. Still, it is the knowledge about the entire plant and how to approach the entire process that count the most. For example, right from the start of your cannabis growing experience, you need to make the biggest decision. What gender of the plant are you going to be using? Is it going to be a traditional seed, or perhaps the feminized one? In this article we talk about feminized seeds and why they are thought to be easier to grow. Is there any truth to this and if so, which? Read on to learn more about this and be sure to check out Obama Runtz Seeds for more information about this topic, as well as to order some of the best feminized seeds available.
What Are They?

So what makes a cannabis seed feminized and what does this gender terminology even imply. Well, in the world of cannabis plants, a feminized seed and therefore plant means that it has been bred to eliminate any male chromosomes and only produce female plants. The main reason for this is that only the female plant gives the cannabis buds, the part of the plant that is smoked and the most treasured thing in the entire cannabis industry. Furthermore, feminine plants produce much more substances that are important for the whole experience like THC and CBD. Male plants produce considerably less. There are different ways to get feminized seeds and plants, but are they really grown more easily? If so, why? For that we need to talk about the main advantages of feminized cannabis seeds.
Benefits of Feminine Cannabis

First and foremost, the cultivation of these seed types ensures that your garden only has female plants, which means faster and simpler cultivation of the plant and more buds. Male plants have to be pruned and maintained more and they are then discarded in the end. All of that for fewer product. It makes more financial and logical sense to grow more, if not all, female plants. If only they are grown and produced, every plant will be producing enough cannabis to make it worth the grower’s while. Whenever you are planting and cultivating something you want as much yield as possible. The higher the yield, the more money you can earn. Best of all, you are using the growing space in the most optimal and productive way since growing male plants makes much lese sense.
Maybe you are wondering how you can have more seeds when you only have female plants to work with. Well, worry not, because feminine seeds are as capable as regular seeds when making mother plants is concerned. Whenever there is large-scale production to happen, there is uniformity in the products and you will always get enough in the end. Growers do not want hermaphrodite plants when growing their cannabis, at least not if they care about profit and yield. When the quality of feminized seeds is high, or if you want to check the quality of the ones you have, you can do so by estimating the number of hermaphrodite plants it creates. Reputable breeders claim that their feminine seeds are entirely free of hermaphrodite strains and guarantee 100% feminine plants.
Alternative Options

Other seeds have their benefits too and it depends what you want from it all and how much you work you plan to put into this. For example, autoflowering seeds yield plants that are lower in height which means they require less maintenance, resulting in a more suitable plant for those who perhaps want to cultivate in conditions less than ideal. Limited space and legal guidelines with limitations on height are situations where autoflowering seeds are a better option.
In addition to this, plants that are autoflower types grow faster and produce faster. They are more resistant to fluctuations in temperatures and other weather conditions. Harvests usually come sooner and there could even be two harvests in a single summer, provided you do it on time and make sure everything is well. Autoflowering seeds are also more resistant to pests, mold, and frost, making them more reliable and timely.
The worst downside and the reason why many opt for feminine seeds however is the much lower levels of THC. While the CBD content is very high, making them great for the growing CBD industry, those who want to experience more than medical options will not really enjoy autoflowering seeds. Right now, it is the feminized seeds that are more preferred in the industry because of indoor cultivation and a simpler process. And thanks to new advances and experimentation, more and more autoflower seeds are feminized too and not regular. Autoflower seeds are capable of 100% flowering but unlike feminine strains they cannot be cloned. And buying new seeds for each new growing phase is harder than having one feminine plant and cloning it for more. In the end it is about what you want and need, but it makes more sense ultimately to invest in female seeds because the industry and the market seem to be going towards a future rich in feminine cannabis.